Psoriasis - psoriasis, is a disease of multifactorial nature. Genetic factor plays a major role in the formation of this disease. Psoriasis is also classified as a chronic and non-infectious skin disease. It is accompanied by redness and skin of a specific shape.
Folk remedies for treating psoriasis:
1. Wheat bar
An excellent remedy for psoriatic rashes is wheat grass. In early spring, in autumn, the roots of wheat grass should be dug up and dried. Based on it, a decoction is prepared. And then, sick patients take a bath. To prepare a medicinal infusion, it is necessary to pour the crushed roots of wheat grass in a transparent liter jar, measuring the desired volume.
Then pour into a large saucepan, pour six liters of boiling water, place in a warm place and insist for about four hours. After that, the pan is put on fire (very slow), put on fire. The cooking time is five minutes.
The already prepared liquid is filtered, poured into a warm water bath. To get the desired effect from the procedure, the patient should be in such a bath for at least 15-25 minutes. For convenience, the bath is prepared for the night. Frequency of procedures is allowed once or twice a week. The moment of complete cleansing of the skin is expected.
2. Copper sulphate, potassium permanganate
For a medicinal mixture, you will need to take 1, 5 liters of cold and boiled water, half a glass of copper sulfate, half a pack of potassium permanganate. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed.
The affected areas are treated with a swab moistened with the composition. It's worth preparing for what will burn. You have to endure 4 hours. The mixture is washed only with warm water and without the presence of soap.
The course of treatment itself is usually calculated for 10 days. The frequency of procedures is affected by the speed of recovery and well-being.
Basically, we are talking about manipulations 1-2 times a week. If the patient's condition is characterized by a marked improvement, then the concentration of vitriol and manganese may be halved.
If the disease has an old form, then after a weekly break, treatment should be repeated. Such a popular treatment of psoriasis will help remove the manifestations of the disease.
However, given the individual skin intolerance, its use without the permission of the doctor is not recommended.
3. Specific recipes
As an alternative treatment for psoriasis, it is worth trying to use a fairly simple, uncommon remedy. To use it, you need to take a blank sheet of paper, roll it in a bag and fasten it well so that it holds the desired shape. The wide bottom edge should be cut with scissors and everything placed in a ceramic pan. The topped part is put on fire.
When the bag is completely burned, the ash is carefully removed and the plaque that remains on the disc, with a yellow-gray tinge, is smeared on the affected area of skin. The procedure is repeated until all manifestations of psoriasis plaques disappear. This treatment of psoriasis with folk methods is quite effective.
4. Collection of plants
To cure psoriasis, you should take two black basil flowers, corn stigmas, berry leaves, elecampane root, one part celandine, three parts of the string, marsh root, St. John’s wort. A tablespoon of the entire collection shown is poured with a glass of boiling water.
The whole mixture is boiled on low heat for about 7-10 minutes, after - 40 minutes simply insist, filter carefully, take half a glass after meals after 1 hour, twice a day. Patients with gastrointestinal problems may experience unwanted reactions, so do not use it without a doctor's advice!
Popular recipes for the treatment of psoriasis of the external method include the use of a collection of continuum, burdock roots, licorice, reed swamp, nettle fox. From this group of plants, each should be taken in equal proportions and mixed. A tablespoon from the collection is poured with the same tablespoon of water, everything is boiled on a fairly slow fire for about 6 minutes. After everything is taken, they insist for about an hour, filtering and lubricating the skin areas affected by psoriatic plaques.
5. Medicinal mixtures
Popular recipes for the treatment of psoriasis can be used as such a method: you need to take 150 grams of birch tar, the same amount of pure alcohol, a few grams of camphor oil, three fresh egg yolks. To grind the egg yolks, it is better to take a metal bowl, add a few drops of camphor oil there, mix everything thoroughly.
Tar, alcohol are gradually added, everything is mixed thoroughly. The ointment is placed in dark jars. Ointment in this form can be stored for about a year. Apply this way: you need to take a cotton swab, wipe the affected areas on the body with this carefully prepared ointment. Leave it like that for a day. Do not touch, do not wash. After that, try to wash everything thoroughly with soap, take a break for a day, lubricate the body again. You need to repeat such manipulations until complete recovery.
In folk medicine, psoriasis is treated, including the use of the following treatment regimen. Careful! The components can harm the body, therefore, without a doctor's permission, a prescription can not be used. The ointment is made on the basis of fat, two egg protein, linden honey, celandine, then it should be applied daily for two weeks on the affected areas.
After two weeks, sifted and ground celandine should be added to the same ointment. So it is necessary to lubricate the places of psoriasis rash for two weeks. It is advisable to repeat the course of the first procedures after the appearance of signs of improvement.
Popular recipes for psoriasis include a composition such as fish oil, pine resin, olive oil, birch tar, golden mustache juice, aloe juice, flammable sulfur, propolis. With this mixture, if the doctor approves of its use, you should apply daily to the affected areas of the skin. For a better effect, you can add celandine oil, an oil extract of rose hips, sea oil, European hoof and extraordinary herb.
6. Japanese sophora and other compounds
For psoriasis, alternative treatment may include the use of sophora tincture. It is made from the sofora itself, which is poured with vodka, insisting for a full month in a place where the sun does not fall. This composition is taken three times a day, one teaspoon at least 30 minutes before eating. Allergies may occur.
Another effective recipe is this: you need to mix 20-25 grams of ash from oak bark along with the ashes of rose branches. Also add 100 grams of fat, 10 grams of celandine with egg white. It is necessary to insist the mixture in room conditions for 15 days, and the affected areas to be lubricated at least 3 times a day.
You should take 2 tablespoons of celandine, 1 tablespoon each of a pack of chamomile, fiber, calendula, mother. All herbs are poured with boiling water, the dishes are placed on a small fire. It does not bring a wave. After that, everything should be poured into a warm water bath. What remains is to boil well again.
7. Ointment
A mixture is prepared from an egg white and 2, 5 tablespoons of flower honey, a third of a tube of baby cream, a teaspoon of sulfur, a dessert spoon of garlic juice, a teaspoon of onion juice, two teaspoons of ashand some roses. ijet.
The whole mixture is mixed with a mixer. Add fat to the already prepared mixture and mix everything again. In terms of oil consistency, it should resemble sour cream. Such popular remedies for psoriasis are used for at least three to four months.
You should always remember: no matter how effective alternative methods of treating psoriasis are, so far their safety has not been proven. Therefore, self-medication is not strictly recommended.
In fact, harmless herbs, when mixed, can become quite a dangerous mixture, and therefore psoriasis patients should coordinate their every action with their doctor. And if a doctor stops self-treatment, then you need to listen, otherwise health can be irreversibly damaged.